Common actions (Good for TPR lesson)

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Sentences included in the sentence:

I can… short sentences

  • I can raise my right hand.
  • I can raise my left hand.
  • I can stand.
  • I can sit.
  • I can walk.
  • I can run.
  • I can jump.
  • I can turn around.
  • I can clap my hands.
  • I can wave my hand.

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Verbs: At home

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Common verbs used at home

Words and sentences included in the lesson:

  • Sleep: I sleep at 9 o’clock.
  • Wake up: I wake up at 8 am.
  • Brush: I brush my teeth every morning.
  • Take a shower: I take a shower every morning.
  • Comb: I comb my hair every morning.
  • Change: I change my clothes before I go out.
  • Eat: I always eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Drink: I drink 8 glasses of water everyday.
  • Cook: I cook dinner.
  • Fry: I fry eggs and bacon.
  • Boil: I boil the water for the pasta.
  • Grill: I grill the steak.
  • Bake: I can bake a cake.
  • Clean: We clean the room every Sunday.
  • Wipe: I wipe the table after dinner.
  • Sweep: I sweep the floor.
  • Mop: I mop the floor.
  • Wash: I wash clothes using the washing machine.
  • Fold: I fold the laundry.
  • Relax: I relax at home by watching TV.

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Verbs: At School

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Words and sentences included in the lesson:

What are the common words heard at school?

  • Teacher: Someone whose job is to teach in a school or college.
  • Students: A person who is studying at a school, college, or university.
  • Classmates: Someone who is in the same class as you at school.
  • Principal: A person in charge of a school.
  • Guard: A person or group of people whose job is to protect a person, place or thing from a danger or attack.

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  • Study: I study at home.
  • Read: We read books.
  • Write: I write my homework.
  • Draw: I can draw fruits.
  • Listen: We listen to our teacher.
  • Sing: We sing a song in the class.
  • Watch: We watch a movie at school every Friday.
  • Play: I play with my classmates
  • Teach: He teaches math.
  • Show: I show my homework in the class.
  • Point: The teacher points at the board.
  • Follow: We follow our teacher.
  • Copy: I copy the words in the book.
  • Ask: I ask a question.
  • Answer: I try to answer the question.

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At the Hospital

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Words in the lesson:

Words related to hospital

  • Hospital: A place where people who are ill or injured are treated and taken care of by doctors and nurses.
  • Ambulance: A special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to hospital.
  • Doctor: A person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt.
  • Nurse: A person trained to care for people who are ill or not able to care for themselves because of injury or old age, and who may also help doctors in treating people.
  • Patient: A person who is receiving medical care, or who is cared for by a particular doctor or dentist when necessary.
  • Medicine: A substance, especially in the form of a liquid or a pill, that is a treatment for illness or injury.
  • Mask: A covering for all or part of the face that protects, hides, or decorates the person wearing it.
  • Stretcher: A light bed made of cloth with poles for a frame, used for carrying people who are injured or dead.
  • Bandage: A strip of cloth that is used to cover an injury on someone’s body to protect it.
  • Gauze: A very thin, light cloth used for making clothing and for covering cuts in the skin.
  • Syringe: A tube for collecting blood or other liquids or for putting into the body usually through a needle that can be put under the skin.
  • Stethoscope: A piece of medical equipment that doctors use to listen to your heart and lungs.
  • Wheelchair: A chair on wheels that people who are unable to walk use for moving around.
  • Crutches: A stick with a piece that fits under or around the arm which someone who is having difficulty walking leans on for support.

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Gardening Tools

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Words in the lesson:

Things and tools related to gardening

  • Flowers: The part of a plant that is often brightly colored and has a pleasant smell, or the type if plant that produces it.
  • Plants: a living thing that grows in earth, in water or on other plants, usually has a stem, leaves, roots and flowers and produces seeds.
  • Seed: A small, round or oval object produced by a plant and from which, when it is planted, a new plat can grow.
  • Grass: A low, green plat that grows naturally over a lot of the earth’s surface, having groups of very thin leaves that grow close together in large numbers.
  • Fertilizer: a natural chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants, to make plants grow well.
  • Gloves: A piece of clothing that is worn on the hand and wrist for warmth or protection, with separate parts for each finger.
  • Boots: A type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the leg.
  • Flowerpot: A container, usually made of clay or plastic, in which a plant is grown.
  • Watering can: A container for water with a handle and a long tube used for pouring water onto garden plants.
  • Wheelbarrow: A large, open container for moving things in with a wheel at the front and two handles at the back, used especially in the garden.
  • Bucket: A container with an open top and a handle, often used for carrying liquids.
  • Rake: A garden tool with a long handle and long, pointed metal parts sticking out in a row at the bottom, used for making the earth level or for collecting leaves, etc.
  • Shears: A very large scissors used in gardening, dressmaking, etc.
  • Pruners: A cutting tool for pruning plants
  • Trowel: A small tool with a curved pointed metal blade, used in the garden for digging small holes and removing small plants from the ground.
  • Gardening fork: A tool with a long handle and three or four points, used for digging and breaking soil into pieces.
  • Hoe: A garden tool with a long handle and a short blade used to remove weeds and break up the surface of the ground.
  • Pitchfork: A tool with a long handle and two or three large curved metal points, used for moving hay or straw.
  • Shovel: A tool consisting of a wide, square metal or plastic blade, usually with slightly raised sides, attached to a handle, for moving loose materials such as sand, coal or snow.
  • Garden hose: A long plastic or rubber pipe, used to direct water onto fires, gardens, etc.

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Hand Tools

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Words included in the lesson:

What are some common hand tools?

  • Tool box: a container in which you keep and carry small tools, especially those used in the house or for repairing a car.
  • Axe: a tool that has a heavy iron or steel blade at the end of a long wooden handle, used for cutting wood.
  • Hammer: a tool consisting of a piece of metal with a flat end that is fixed onto the end of a long, thin, usually wooden handle, used for hitting things.
  • Mallet: a tool like a hammer with a large, flat end made of wood or rubber.
  • Handsaw: a saw that is operated by hand rather than using electricity or a motor.
  • Chainsaw: a large saw with a motor and teeth-like parts fitted onto a continuous chain, used especially for cutting trees.
  • Nail: a small, thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end that you hit into something with a hammer, especially in order to fasten or join it to something else.
  • Nut: a small piece of metal with a hole in it through which you put a bolt.
  • Bolt: A screw-like metal object without a point, used with a nut to fasten things together.
  • Screw: A thin, pointed piece of metal with a raised edge twisting round along its length and a flat top with a cut in it, used to join things together, especially pieces of wood.
  • Screwdriver: A tool for turning screws, consisting of a handle joined to a metal rod shaped at one end to fit in the cut in the top of the screw.
  • Tape measure: A strip of plastic or metal used for measuring that can be rolled up when not being used.
  • Pipe Wrench: A tool with parts that can be moved to tighten or unfasten any size of nut and bolt.
  • Pliers: A small tool with two handles for holding or pulling small things like nails, or for cutting wire.
  • Spanner: A metal tool with a shaped end, used to turn nuts and bolts.
  • Corkscrew: A device for removing corks from bottles, that consists of a handle with a twisted metal rod to push into the cork and pull it out.
  • Stepladder: A piece of equipment with steps for climbing up and down that can stand on its own or be folded for carrying.
  • Drill: A tool or machine that cuts or digs into something to make holes.

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Zodiac Signs

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Words included in the lesson:

The 12 zodiac signs

Capricorn: January 20 to February 16
Aquarius: February 16 – March 11
Pisces: March 11 – April 18
Aries: April 18 – May 13
Taurus: May 13 – June 21
Gemini: June 21 – July 20
Cancer: July 20 – August 10
Leo: August 10 – September 16
Virgo: September 16 – October 30
Libra: October 30 – November 23
Scorpio: November 30 – December 17
Sagittarius: December – to January 20

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The Outer Space

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Words included in the lesson:

Words commonly associated with outer space

  • Universe: everything that exists, especially all physical matter, including all the stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in space
  • Galaxy: one of the independent groups of stars in the universe. Example is the The milky way
  • The Solar System: the sun and the group of planets that move around it.
  • Planet: an extremely large, round mass of rock and metal, such as earth, or of gas, such as Jupiter, that moves in a circular path around the sun or another star
    The planets in the solar system:
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto (Dwarf planet)
  • Moon: a similar round object that moves around another planet.
    Phases of the moon: Full moon, Quarter moon, Crescent moon
  • Star: a very large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from the earth as a point of light in the sky at night.
  • Comet: an object that moves around the sun, usually at a great distance from it, that is seen on rare occasions from the earth as a bright line in the sky.
  • Asteroid: one of many large rocks that circle the sun.
  • Astronaut: a person who has been trained for traveling in space.
  • Telescope: a cylinder-shaped device for making objects that are far away look closer and larger, using a combination of lenses, or lenses and curved mirrors.
  • Spaceship: a vehicle used for traveling in space.

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Bugs and Creepy Crawlies

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Words included in the lesson:

What are the common bugs and creepy-crawlies?

  • Ant: a very small insect that lives under the ground in large and well-organized social groups
  • Snail: a small creature with soft, wet body and round shell, that moves very slowly and often eats garden plants.
  • Grasshopper: a large insect with long back legs that can jump very high and makes a sharp, high noise using its back legs or wings.
  • Cricket: a brown or black insect that makes short, loud noises by rubbing its wings together.
  • Bee: a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you.
  • Ladybug: a small beetle that is round and typically red with black spots.
  • Butterfly: a type of insect with large, often brightly colored wings.
  • Moth: an insect with wings that is similar to a butterfly, usually flies at night, and is attracted to light.
  • Caterpillar: a small, long animal with many legs that feeds on the leaves of plants, and develops into a butterfly or moth.
  • Beetle: an insect with a hard shell-like back
  • Mantis (Praying Mantis): a large, green insect that holds its front legs in a way that makes it look as if it is praying when it is waiting to catch another insect.
  • Dragonfly: a large insect with a long, thin, brightly colored body and two pairs of transparent wings.
  • Spider: a small creature with eight thin legs that catches insects in a web.
  • Wasp: a flying insect. often black and yellow, that can sting.
  • Mosquito: a small flying insect that bites people and animals and sucks their blood.
  • Fly: a small insect with two wings, often attracted to food and other things that smells bad
  • Cockroach: a flat, brown or black insect sometimes found at home
  • Centipede: a small, long, thin animal with many legs
  • Earthworm: a common type of worm that moves through the earth.
  • Scorpion: a small creature similar to an insect that lives in hot, dry areas of the world and has a long body and a curved tail with a poisonous sting.

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Musical Instruments

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Words included in the lesson:

String Instrument

Guitar: a musical instrument, usually made of wood, with six strings and a long neck, played with the fingers or a plectrum
Violin: a wooden musical instrument with four strings that is held against the neck and played by moving a bow across the strings
Banjo: a string musical instrument with a long neck and a hollow circular body
Bass (double bass): the largest musical instrument of the violin family. It plays the lowest line of music in orchestral music and in jazz.
Cello: a wooden musical instrument with four strings, that is held vertically between the legs and is played by moving a bow across the strings.
Harp: a large wooden musical instrument with many strings that you play with the fingers
Mandolin: a musical instrument with four pairs of metal strings and a round back.

Percussion Instruments

Piano: a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys that are pressed to play notes
Organ: a musical instrument with a keyboard in which sound is produced by air being forced through pipes of different sizes and lengths when you press the keys with your hands or feet, or in which sound is produced electronically.
Drum: a musical instrument, especially one made from a skin stretched over the end of a hollow tube or bowl, played by hitting with the hand or a stick
Bass drum: a large drum that produces a low sound
Bongo drum: one of a pair of small drums that are played with the hands
Snare drum: a small drum with twisted wires stretched across the bottom that shake against it when it is hit.
Cymbal: a flat, round musical instrument made of brass that makes a loud noise when hit with a stick or against another cymbal.
Triangle: a musical instrument consisting of a thin metal bar bent into a triangle shape that is hit with a metal bar to make a sound.
Tambourine: a small musical instrument consisting of a circular wooden frame with metal discs loosely attached to it, shaken or hit with the hand to make the discs ring
Maracas: a musical instrument consisting of two hollow containers filled with beans or small stones. They are shaken to provide the rhythm for some types of music.
Xylophone: a musical instrument consisting of flat wooden bars of different lengths that are hit with sticks.


Brass Instruments

Trombone: a large, brass musical instrument that you play by blowing into it and sliding a U-shaped tube in and out to change the length and produce different notes.
Trumpet: a brass musical instrument consisting of a metal tube with one narrow end, into which the player blows, and one wide end. Three buttons are pressed in order to change note.
Tuba: a brass musical instrument consisting of a long, bent metal tube that the player blows into, producing low notes.
Horn: a curved metal musical instrument that is narrow at the end you blow into and much wider at the other end.

Woodwind Instruments

Saxophone: a musical instrument usually made of metal, that is played by blowing into it to make a reed vibrate. They are made of different sizes.
Flute: a tube-shaped musical instrument with a hole that you blow across at one end while holding the tube out horizontally to one side.
Clarinet: a tube-shaped musical instrument that is played by blowing through a single reed.
Oboe: a tube-shaped musical instrument, played by blowing through a double reed at the top.
Bassoon: a large musical instrument that is played by blowing into a long, curved tube.

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