Verbs: At home

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Common verbs used at home

Words and sentences included in the lesson:

  • Sleep: I sleep at 9 o’clock.
  • Wake up: I wake up at 8 am.
  • Brush: I brush my teeth every morning.
  • Take a shower: I take a shower every morning.
  • Comb: I comb my hair every morning.
  • Change: I change my clothes before I go out.
  • Eat: I always eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Drink: I drink 8 glasses of water everyday.
  • Cook: I cook dinner.
  • Fry: I fry eggs and bacon.
  • Boil: I boil the water for the pasta.
  • Grill: I grill the steak.
  • Bake: I can bake a cake.
  • Clean: We clean the room every Sunday.
  • Wipe: I wipe the table after dinner.
  • Sweep: I sweep the floor.
  • Mop: I mop the floor.
  • Wash: I wash clothes using the washing machine.
  • Fold: I fold the laundry.
  • Relax: I relax at home by watching TV.

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