Halloween Words

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Halloween words

  • Trick-or-treating (n): an activity in which children dress up as magical or frightening creatures or as characters from a story on Halloween, and visit people’s homes to demand sweets.
  • haunted house: a house where ghosts often appear
  • cemetery (n): an area of ground in which dead people are burried
  • coffin (n): a long box in which the body of a dead person is burried or burned
  • ghosts (n): the spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale, almost transparent imageof that person
  • jack-o-lantern (n): a light made from a hallow pumpkin with holes cut into the sides like the eyes and moth of a person’s face, inside which thre is a candle
  • witch (n):a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people
  • mummy (n): a dead body that is prevented from decaying by being treated with special substances before being wrapped in cloth
  • zombie (n): a frightening creaturee that is a dead person who has been brought back to life, but without human qualities
  • vampire (n): a dead person who comes back to life and sucks blood from other people at night
  • wolf (n): a wild animal of the dog family
  • fairy (n): an imaginary creature with magic powers, usually represented as a very small person with wings
  • clown (n): an entertainer who wears funny clothes, has a painted face, and makes people laugh by performing tricks and behaving in a silly way
  • devil (n): an evil being, often represented in human form but with a tail and horns
  • skeleton (n): the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body

wird definitions from dictionary.cambridge.org


CVC words with short a sound in sentences

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ab word family list

  • cab (n): a taxi
  • lab (n): a laboratory
  • dab (v): to touch or put a substance on something with quick light touches
  • jab (n): an injection

Gab rode a yellow cab to go to the lab.
In the lab, he got a jab then they get a cotton to dab on his arm.


ad word family list

  • bad (adj): unpleasant and causing difficulties or harm
  • pad (n): pieces of paper fastened together used for writing or drawing
  • sad (adj): unhappy
  • lad (n): a boy or a young man
  • mad (adj): very angry or annoyed
  • dad (n): father

My dad had a bad day.
He was sad and mad at the bad lad.
I saw him write on his pad then he smiled.
My dad wasn’t sad anymore.

ag word family list

  • rag (n): a torn piece of old cloth
  • bag (n): a container in which you carry things
  • mag (n): a magazine
  • tag (n): a small piece of paper, cloth or metal on which there is information tied or stuck onto something larger.

She step on the rag and put down her bag.
In her bag is a mag.
In the mag is a picture of a pretty bag with a tag.


ack word family list

  • pack (v): to put something into a bag, box, etc.
  • sack (n): a paper or plastic bag used to carry things, especially things bought in a food shop
  • back (adv): in, into, or towards a previous place or condition or an earlier time
  • rack (n): a frame or shelf, often formed of bars that is used to hold things

Jack packs some books in his sack then he turns back home and put the books on the rack.

am word family list

  • dam (n): a wall built across a river that stops the river’s flow and collects the water, especially to make a reservoir that provides water for an area.
  • ram (n): an adult male sheep
  • ham (n): pig’s meat from the leg or shoulder, preserved with salt or smoke
  • jam (n): a sweet, soft food made by cooking fruit with sugar to preserve it
  • yam (n): a potato-like root from a tropical climbing plant that can be eaten
  • fam (n): family

Pam and Sam like going to the dam to see the rams.
They bring ham, jam and yams to eat with their fam.


an word family list

  • man (n): an adult male human being
  • tan (adj): pale yellowish-brown in color
  • van (n): a medium-sized road vehicle, used especially for carrying goods, that often has no windows in the sides at the back
  • can (n): a closed metal container, especially cylinder-shaped, in which some types of drink and food are sold.
  • fan (n): an electric device with blades that turn quickly, used to move the air around
  • pan (n): a metal container that is round and often has a lone handle and a lid, used for cooking things on top of a cooker

Dan is a man who has a tan van.
In his van, he has a can, a fan and a pan.


ap word family list

  • lap (n): the top surface of the upper part of the legs of a person who is sitting down
  • cap (n): a soft flat hat that has a curved part sticking out at the front
  • map (n): a drawing that shows a direction of travel between one place and another
  • tap (v): to hit something gently
  • nap (n): a short sleep

On his lap is a cap and a map.
He taps the map puts on his cap and then takes a nap.


ar word family list

  • car (n): a road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of people
  • far (adv): at, to or from a great distance in space or time
  • bar (n): a place where drinks are sold and drunk or the area in such a place where the person serving the drinks stands
  • jar (n): a glass or clay container with a wide opening at the top and sometimes a fitted lid, usually used for storing food

The car is far from the bar where he put the jar.

at word family list

  • fat (adj): thick or large
  • cat (n): a small animal with fur, four legs, a tail, and claws, usually kept as a pet or for catching mice
  • rat (n): a small rodent, larger than a mouse, that has a long tail and is considered to be harmful
  • sat (v): past tense of sit
  • mat (n): a small piece of strong material that covers and protects part of a floor
  • bat (n): a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night
  • hat (n): a covering for the head that is not part of a piece f clothing

Pat the fat cat and Mat the fat rat sat on the mat to see the flying bat with a hat.

Definition of the words is from dictionary.cambridge.org


Types of Sentences

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Four types of sentences

Declarative sentence

A sentence that makes a statement or states a fact.
It ends with a period.
She is beautiful.
The door is open.
She will go to the market tomorrow.

Interrogative sentence

A sentence that asks a question or make a request for information.
It ends with a question mark (?).
What is that?
Are you angry?
What is your name?

Imperative sentence

A sentence that gives a command or gives a request to do something.
Sit down.
Go to your room.
Please read the sentence.

Exclamatory sentence

A sentence containing exclamation or strong emphasis or emotion
It ends with an exclamation mark (!).
Yahoo! We won.
Oh no!
Very good!


Question Words

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List of Question words


A question word used to ask for information about people or things.
What do you do? (What is your job?)
What will you do today?
What is that?
What are you looking for?
What is your name?


Question word for place, position or direction
Where are we?
Where is the book?
Where is the bus station?
Where do you live?
Where should we meet?


Question word for date and time
When is your birthday?
When will you go to school?
When will it start?
When did you see her?
When are you going to visit?



Question word used for people
Who are you?
Who is your brother?
Who are the participants?
Who will go with me?
Who can sing?


Question word used when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something?
Whose bag is this?
Whose idea is this?
Whose fault is this?
Whose new car is that?
Whose clothes are these?

Who’s vs. Whose
Who’s = Who is
Who is (Who’s)the owner of this bag?
Who’s going to the beach?
Whose bag is this?


Question word to ask for reasons
Why is he here?
Why are you studying English?
Why are you mad?
Why do you go to school?
Why do people wear a mask?



Question word used when there are two or more possible answers or alternatives
Which dress will you choose?
Which is better the blue car or the red car?
Which do you want me to clean first, the kitchen or the bedroom?


Question word used when asking about a procedure, someone’s state, what an experience or event was like or the way something works
How to cook rice?
How are you?
How’s your trip?
How does this technology work?

How much

Used for asking what the amount of something is
Used for uncountable nouns
How much is the bag?
How much time do you need to finish your homework?
How much milk should I put in your coffee?

How many

Used when asking about the quantity of something
Used for countable nouns
How many cars are there?
How many cubes of sugar should I put in your coffee?
How many books did you read?


Halloween Words

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List of common words for Halloween

  • trick or treat: What the children say when they do trick-or-treating on Halloween. Trick-or-treating is an activity in which children dress up as magical or frightening creatures from a story on Halloween, and visit people’s homes to demand sweets.
  • treats (candies): Sweets given to children when they do trick-or-treating
  • costume: A set of clothes worn in order to look like someone or something else, especially for a party or as part of an entertainment.
  • jack o lantern: A pumpkin with its seeds removed and cut with holes shaped like eyes, a nose and a mouth, and lit with a candle inside.
  • ghost: The spirit of a dead person imagined as visiting the living and usually appearing as a pale, almost transparent form.
  • zombie: A dead person brought back to life without the ability to speak or move easily.
  • mummy: A dead body that has been preserved from decay by being treated with special substances before being wrapped in cloth.
  • witch: A woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
  • witch hat: A hat with wide brim and conical crown used by witches.
  • witch broom: An old broom used by witches when they fly.
  • fairy: An imaginary creature with magic powers, usually represented as a very small person with wings.
  • vampire: A dead person who comes back to life and sucks blood from other people at night.
  • pirate: A person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them.
  • skeleton: The frame of bones supporting a human or animal body.
  • spider: A small creature with eight thin legs that catches insects in a web.
  • spider web: A structure like a net of sticky silk threads made by a spider for catching insects.
  • bat: A small, flying animal with big ears and wings of skin.
  • coffin: a long box in which the body of a dead person is buried or burned.
  • graveyard: A place, often next to a church, where dead people are buried.
  • haunted house: A house often visited by ghosts.

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How to read a clock (Time)

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List of words related to time reading

  • clock: a device used to tell the time
  • watch: a device used to tell time that is worn on a strap around the wrist
  • hour hand: the short hand in the clock
  • minute hand: the long hand in the clock
  • second hand: the long hand in the clock that always moves
  • 24-hour clock: no a.m./p.m., 13:00 is used instead of 1:00 pm.
  • 12-hour clock: uses a.m. to indicate morning and p.m. for afternoon
  • o clock: used after a number from one to twelve to say the time when it is exactly that hour.
  • half past ___: thirty minutes after
  • 1 day = 24 hours
  • 1 hour = 60 minutes
  • 1 minute = 60 seconds

Common Gym Equipment

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List of common gym equipment

  • Yoga mat: A mat used to prevent hands and feet slipping when doing yoga.
  • Gym ball: It is also called fitness ball. It is a large ball for sitting or lying on while exercising.
  • Punching bag: A bag filled with material or air, hung from a frame or attached to a stand and used by boxers and others for training or exercise.
  • Hand grippers: Used to test and increase the strength of the hands.
  • Dumbbell: a short bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger.
  • Barbell: a long bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger.
  • Kettlebell: a heavy rounded object with a handle used for exercise.
  • Jump rope: a rope that is used for jumping over as an exercise or game
  • Treadmill: an exercise machine that consists of a moving strip or two step-like parts on which you walk without moving forward
  • Stationary bike: used for a low-impact cardio workout.
  • Elliptical: a stationary exercise machine on which the user stands on two small rimmed platforms and moves them forward and back in almost elliptical path.
  • Leg press: Used to test and strengthen the legs.
  • Abdominal bench: Used to do various styles of crunches
  • Bench press: used to exercise and tone upper parts of the body.

Letters and Animals

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letters from A-Z along with animals that starts with each letter

  • A: Alligator
  • B:Bird, Bat
  • C: Cat, Cow
  • D: Dog, Duck
  • E: Elephant
  • F: Fish, Frog
  • G: Giraffe, Goat
  • H: Horse, Hippo
  • I: Iguana
  • J: Jellyfish
  • K: Kangaroo, Koala
  • L: Lion, Lizard
  • M: Monkey, Mouse
  • N: Newt
  • O: Octopus, Owl
  • P: Panda, Penguin
  • Q: Quail
  • R: Rabbit, Rhino
  • S: Seal, Shark
  • T: Tiger, Turtle
  • U: Urchin
  • V: Vulture
  • W: Whale, Wolf
  • X: X-ray fish
  • Y: Yak
  • Z: Zebra

All About Baking

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Words included in the lesson:

Common ingredients and tools in baking

  • Flour: Powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc.
  • Eggs: The oval object with a hard shell that is produced by female birds, especially chickens, eaten as food.
  • Baking Powder: A mixture of powders used to make cakes rise and become light when they are baked.
  • Sugar: A sweet substance especially from the plants sugar cane and sugar beet, used to make food and drinks sweet.
  • Butter: A pale yellow solid food containing a lot of fat that is made from cream and is spread on bread or used in cooking and baking.
  • Dough: Flour mixed with water and often yeast, fat, or sugar so that it is ready for baking.
  • Whisk: A kitchen tool that you use for beating food such as eggs and cream in order to add air and make it light.
  • Spatula: A cooking utensil with a wide, flat blade that is not sharp, used especially for lifting food out of pans.
  • Rolling Pin: A tube-shaped object that is used for making pastry flat and thin before cooking it.
  • Mixing Bowl: A large bowl used to mix ingredients.
  • Pie Tin: A metal container without a lid used for cooking food in the oven.
  • Muffin Tin: a metal container used for cooking muffin in the oven.
  • Measuring cup: A container used for measuring liquids or other foods, especially volumes from about 50mL upwards.
  • Measuring Spoons: A container used for measuring liquids or other foods.
  • Sifter: A piece of kitchen equipment that you put flour, sugar, etc. through in order to break up large pieces.
  • Oven Glove: A thick covering for the hand, used for taking hot things out of an oven.
  • Apron: A piece of clothing that you wear over the front of other clothes to keep the clothes clean while you are doing something such as cooking or cleaning.
  • Oven: Part of a stove that is box-shaped with a door, in which food is baked or heated, or a separate device with this shape and use.
  • Mixer: A machine in which you mix things together.
  • Blender: An electric machine used in the kitchen for breaking down foods or making smooth liquid substances from soft foods and liquids.

    Definitions from dictionary.cambridge.org

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Words included in the lesson:

Common condiments found in the kitchen

  • Condiment: A substance such as spice that you add to food to improve its taste.
  • Salt: A common white substance found in seas water and in the ground, used especially to add flavor to food or to preserve it.
  • Sugar: A sweet substance especially from the plants sugar cane and sugar beet, used to make food and drinks sweet.
  • Pepper: A grey or white powder produced by crushing dry peppercorns, used to give a spicy, hot taste to food.
  • Ketchup: A thick, cold, red sauce made from tomatoes.
  • Mayonnaise: A thick, white sauce made from oil, vinegar, and the yellow part of eggs usually eaten cold.
  • Mustard: A thick, yellow or brown sauce that tastes spicy and is eaten cold in small amounts, especially with meat.
  • Soy Sauce: A strong-tasting, dark-brown liquid made from fermented soya beans and used especially in Chinese and Japanese cooking.
  • Vinegar: A sharp-tasting liquid, made especially from sour wine, malt, or cider, that is used to add flavor to or to preserve food.
  • Barbeque Sauce: A spicy sauce that is used to flavor food cooked on a barbecue.
  • Hot Sauce: A spicy sauce.
  • Honey: A sweet, sticky, yellow substance made by bees and used as food.
  • Jam: A sweet, soft food made by cooking fruit with sugar to preserve it. It is eaten on bread.
  • Syrup: A sweet, sometimes think liquid made by dissolving sugar in water, to which flavoring is often added.
  • Sour Cream: A cream that is made sour by adding special bacteria, used in cooking.
  • Salsa: A spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions and chilies.
  • Pickles: A vegetable or fruit in vinegar or in salty water, especially a cucumber.

    Definitions from dictionary.cambridge.org

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